Awards Nominee Category: African ChangeMakers Women Advancement Award
Nominee Full Name: Bella Akhagba
Nominee Country: Nigeria
Company Initiative Career Business: Bella Foundation for Child and Maternal Care
Nominee Title Role: Founder/CEO
Nominee Product/Service: Gender Based Violence (Child Marriage, Sexual Violence/Harassment,Inequality in education, Trafficking for sex slavery)
Describe how your Company/Initiative/Career/Business is turning Africa problems into solutions in your community e.g technology partnerships reach coverage?
Through the training of civil society organization partners, advocacy to key decision and policy makers, creating awareness in the community and media including social media, developing and producing information, education and communication materials such as handbills, posters, facts sheets, and handbook. In addition, empowering girls with skills and advocate for equality in education.
How does the Company Initiative/Career/Business improve people’s life, impact, affordability and reliability?
Eight Advocacy visits to influencers and highest decision makers led to Ojo local government Council of Lagos State of Nigeria to draft a bye-law against child marriage in communities under the local council. Making it the first local government in Nigeria to draft a bye-law against child marriage. This bye-law is awaiting passage.
Five girls trained as champion against child marriage were involved in all advocacy to influencers and decision makers as well as advocating to their peers which resulted in changing of attitudes as some of the girls and their parents now saw the importance of girl’s education and acquiring skills. This has also encouraged three of the girls to enrolled in the west Africa examination council and the Joint Admission and matriculation Board which they passed.
How can this service product or solution be expanded to new markets or areas in Africa?
Establishment of a sustainability initiative called TOO YOUNG TO MARRY INITIATIVE CLUB in primary and secondary schools across the various Local Government Areas of Lagos State of Nigeria. The purpose of the initiative to continue to advocate and sensitize the communities on the dangers of child marriage making young people to lead the change.
Voting Timeline: July 15 to July 30, 2021.
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