Awards Nominee Category: African ChangeMakers Rising Star Award
Nominee Full Name: Cham Etienne Bama
Nominee Country: Cameroon
Company Initiative Career Business: International Trade Expert
Nominee Title Role: International Trade Expert and Researcher
Nominee Product/Service: International Trade Expert and Researcher
Describe how your Company Initiative Career Business is turning Africa problems into solutions in your community e.g. technology partnerships reach coverage:
Cham Etienne Bama, a Cameroonian trade policy expert who has been actively involved in the consultation process towards the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area. Cham has been instrumental in leading trade facilitation challenges faced by African Regional Economic Communities, noting that the success of the African Continental integration project, hinges on addressing the sub regional impediments to trade.
How does the Company Initiative/Career/Business improve people s life, impact, affordability and reliability?
By facilitating free trade, Africa and sub regions, this will will enable people buy more, better-quality products at lower costs, drive economic growth, enhanced efficiency, increased innovation, and the greater fairness that accompanies a rules-based system.
How can this service product or solution be expanded to new markets or areas in Africa?
As a researcher and international expert this is beneficial to Africa and future generations.
Voting Timeline: July 15 to July 30, 2021.
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