Awards Nominee Category: African ChangeMakers Courage Award
Nominee Full Name: Teh Francis
Nominee Country: Cameroon
Company Initiative Career Business: Goodness and Mercy Missions
Nominee Title Role: Director
Nominee Product/Service: Non Profit Organization
Describe how your Company/ Initiative/ Career /Business is turning Africa problems into solutions in your community e.g. technology, partnerships, reach coverage:
Goodness and Mercy Missions was founded in 2007 by Teh Francis and has been providing tools and means to the underprivileged for a sustainable livelihood. Key projects are economic empowerment of rural women and education of underprivileged children. Rural women in Cameroon have for a long time depended.
How does the Company Initiative/Career/Business improve people’s life, impact, affordability and reliability?
Rural women break free from generational cycles of poverty, have independence and leadership in their own destinies. They also fully participate in the education of their children thus curbing the rate of schools dropouts. Underprivileged children who had a grim future now have a bright future because they have access to quality education and at the end be a wonderful blessing to family and community. Young single mothers are made to learn a trade which provides employment or enhance employment opportunities. Rural communities have access to practical computer training through our computer training program and creation of computer labs in colleges. The community research library at Jinkfuin provide access to resources the community could not have had them elsewhere.
How can this service product or solution be expanded to new markets or areas in Africa?
Our hands on business training and Table Banking for rural women can easily be replicated. Hands on business training helps discovers and ignites the passions in women. Table Banking Fund is owned by the group; the group set rules and regulations for lending and repayment; members pay interest on the loan which will contribute to higher availability of capital to the group. Child sponsorship is as easy as profiling the child and connecting to sponsors around the world. Computer labs and library services are needs of every modern day community and we can share the modalities of setting them up.
Voting Timeline: July 15 to July 30, 2021.