Awards Nominee Category: African ChangeMakers Rising Star Award
Nominee Full Name: Kashumbar Kalema Abubaker
Nominee Country: Uganda
Company Initiative Career Business: Association of Uganda School Leaving Youth-AUSLEY
Nominee Title Role: Team Leader
Nominee Product/Service: Summit platform, network and employment/ partnership opportunities
Describe how your Company Initiative Career Business is turning Africa problems into solutions in your community e.g technology partnerships reach coverage:
ASYE brings together 1000 African youths from African nations and the diaspora every year to explore unique development opportunities through connecting with policymakers, entrepreneurs, investors, funders and the corporate world in order to build a shared economic system.
The summit creates a strategic platform for young leaders including fresh graduates in Africa to meet, build networks and learn from exposed, experienced and likeminded men and women to inspire them to think creatively in order to address the increasing youth unemployment burden in Africa.
The summit brings a dedicated network of young leaders to building innovative, disruptive and sustainable solutions to world biggest challenges including poverty, unemployment and peace.
During the summit, participants will have an opportunity to build new relationship opportunities, uncover innovative solutions, and expand their skill set on a variety of different areas that will help to change the world.
How does the Company Initiative/Career/Business improve people s life, impact, affordability and reliability?
The Summit provides;
• Platform for youths and graduates to share with the corporate, entrepreneurs, private and public sector on combined efforts to end youth unemployment.
• Space for business skills development for young entrepreneurs and university graduates from across Africa.
• Access to funding opportunities, acceleration, potential networks and specialized skills.
• An ecosystem engaging successful entrepreneurs, government policy makers and private sector.
• A pitching challenge for innovations to potential investors, funders and partners.
• Awarding best sustainable and eco-friendly startup with a 1-week startup boot camp.
• Ongoing business mentorship from committed corporate partners and sponsors.
How can this service product or solution be expanded to new markets or areas in Africa?
Country coordinators shall be appointed from each African state who will coordinate ASYE Summit activities in their respective countries.
ASYE Summit shall be hosted in a different African country annually under the leadership of the respective country coordinator and team.
Voting Timeline: July 15 to July 30, 2021.
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