Awards Nominee Category: African ChangeMakers Clean & Renewable Energy Award
Nominee Full Name: Bright Lemchi
Nominee Country: Nigeria
Company Initiative Career Business: Gowasteline Companies
Nominee Title Role: Founder/Team Lead
Nominee Product/Service: Clean Energy Access – Biogas
Describe how your Company/ Initiative/ Career/ Business is turning Africa problems into solutions in your community e.g. technology partnerships reach coverage:
Waste Management, Sanitation and recycling – Uncollected trash is a huge problem in developing countries like Nigeria, and in Rivers State the southern region of the country, the waste mountain grows up to 10,000 tons every day, and the traditional waste collections by local authorities have always been inadequate, particularly in poorer neighbourhoods, and residents in Rivers state never had any concrete incentives to collect and hand their waste either. Our goal is to use waste collection as a way of bringing about social change in the poorest neighbourhoods in Rivers state, on the premise that plastic waste is a valuable raw material, we have created a sustainable plan to ensure that most of the value will go back to the residents who collect the waste, so residents earn money by cleaning up. And the environment is benefiting from that as well.
How does the Company Initiative/Career/Business improve people s life, impact, affordability and reliability?
I’ve been visiting schools in my state and speaking to students about the SDGs, with a clear focus on environment, sanitation, recycling and climate action and in the cause of my work, I realise that there is a need to incentivize the handing of waste to encourage residents keep their environments safe and clean. We have created a sustainability plan that ensures that people earn monthly reward by submitting waste to us on daily basis.
How can this service product or solution be expanded to new markets or areas in Africa?
To change the narrative of firewood burning as a means of cooking to green energy. Mini biogas plants can be installed in different parts of the country and beyond. This endeavour will create more employment, environmental impact and solve household heat energy cost, particularly in low income communities.
Voting Timeline: July 15 to July 30, 2021.
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