Awards Nominee Category: African ChangeMakers Agricultural Award
Nominee Full Name: Kamasa Dorothy Azimi
Nominee Country: Ghana
Company Initiative Career Business: Centre for Women and Food Security-Ghana
Nominee Title Role: Founder/Executive Director
Nominee Product/Service: Provide social and Technical Support to rural Women, Produces organic vegetables, Restores depleted agricultural lands, Improves water systems in rural communities
Describe how your Company Initiative Career Business is turning Africa problems into solutions in your community e.g technology partnerships reach coverage: Gender and social Inclusive is a priority to us. We are focused on indigenous farming communities, our direct beneficiaries are women. CeWaFS-Ghana engages and trains local rural communities in establishing and operating the project sites, and in delivering the produce to customers via newly established supply chains. Engagements are focus on female capacity building as a priority, working as a local specialist community development-based organization responsible for ensuring rural women are educated, empowered and engaged for agriculture value chains development in Ghana. Ownership of the project sites and resources are then transferred to local communities post-project, helping to capture the long-term social, environmental, and economic benefits for the indigenous communities most vulnerable hunger, poverty and ecosystem degradation.
How does the Company Initiative/Career/Business improve people’s life, impact, affordability and reliability?
CeWaFS-Ghana is committed to helping Improve Food Security for rural women. We train rural women to maximize yields, reforest farm settlements, produce Organic farm Produce: Rural women receive training and additional income streams from organic produce Rural women experience improved food security, reduced poverty, and are empowered to participate in agriculture value chains. Restoring forests on farms contribute to food security, nutrition and livelihoods in several ways, including as a direct source of food, fuel, employment and cash income. They are fundamental to the survival of forest-dwellers, particularly many indigenous peoples, and are important providers of ecosystem services, including maintaining or restoring soil fertility, protecting watersheds and water courses. Forests and trees help to mitigate climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and storing carbon. They can also help to reduce the vulnerability of people.
How can this service product or solution be expanded to new markets or areas in Africa?
CeWaFS-Ghana produces organic vegetables to raise funding that is used to spearhead its social mission. The entire farm has been set up to allow us change crops or scale existing crops to meet demand. This is highly unusual as most farms are unable to change crops midyear. The organization is sustained by sale of produce from its farms predominantly readily consumptive food crops. Our close proximity to indigenous farmers ensures a steady flow and reliable access to customers; we meet an in-satiate need for quality farm produce mainly. Funding (Grants, Investment) is all that is needed to scale up our initiative.
Voting Timeline: July 15 to July 30, 2021.
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