Awards Nominee Category: African ChangeMakers Innovative Education Award.
Nominee Country: Libya
Company Initiative Career Business: The Libyan Development Program
Nominee Title Role: Project Manager
Nominee Product/Service: Online Education Training Project
Describe how your Company/Initiative/Career/Business is turning Africa problems into solutions in your community e.g. technology partnerships reach coverage:
I have initiated the project to reach to as many people across Libya during COVID-19 lockdown. The project idea received excellent support from various individuals and trainers, and I have managed to bring on board a total of 7 team members and 16 trainers. The Project managed to reach to more than 43 cities and towns across Libya, we have received more than 450 applications and chosen a total of 250 trainees to participate in the project. The project managed to deliver a total of 63 subjects in a duration of 21 days from 1st of February to 21st of February. The project graduated a total of 110 participants from across Libya. Moreover, the project was a unique opportunity for many women and men in remote areas of Libya, we have used online platform zoom to reach to many remote locations and people were amazed with the amount of knowledge they have gained. The opportunity to receive such training have opened them to more opportunities and realized their skills and strengths in many ways. The project team continues to have a session per month to listen to the graduates and help them succeed further in any challenges they face
How does the Company Initiative/Career/Business improve people’s life, impact, affordability and reliability?
The project was a unique initiative as it offered a total of 63 subjects to more than 250 students. The students get to choose the subjects based on their interest and needs in future, given them flexibility and ability to learn what they really liked. The projects team received many compliments from the trainees as it has impacted their thinking and broadened their horizon towards more opportunity. The project pushed them to seek further training and think about developing their languages, seek scholarships, initiate projects, and NGO’s across all Libya. Finally, the project insured to choose more women than men to push their learning ability and give them a better opportunity. There were many housewife’s and women with no work or ability to leave their houses, and the project made sure its reaches to them.
How can this service product or solution be expanded to new markets or areas in Africa?
The initiative can be remodeled and made to reach all Africa by delivering a similar module of subjects, management, material, with the addition of African power and diversity. The project is a unique opportunity to reach those who can’t receive good education and allows Africa to expand its education levels and promote diversity, brotherhood, and Africanism. The project management can deliver an introduction to other team members in other countries in Africa and teach them about this initiative and help establish similar projects in their areas.
Voting Timeline: July 15 to July 30, 2021.
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